Saturday, 18 August 2012


I very much believe we are all different and we all have the right to make our own choices about our lives, from what gender of person we sleep with to what we feed our bodies with.  It makes me quite mad then, to discover that there are so many websites out there feeding bad information and unsubtle propaganda against those of us who choose to live peacefully in respect with our planet and the living creatures on it by being ve*gans.  I have never tried to convert a meat eater, I answer questions when they are asked - but I never weight this information with emotional blackmail or poor data to back me up.  I respect that we are all different and yes, there are some people who will always choose to eat meat - that really is their business not mine.

Some websites (sadly many American and funded by some kind of church groups or meaty messiahs) are full of poor information and downright lies or ignorance.  I suggest to these people they don't make sweeping statements about where the body finds nutrients without doing the research or talking to someone who has trained to do so.  I suggest they stop using stories of 've*gans' who sound like people who actually had emotionally based eating disorders that needed dealing with rather than blaming the fact they tried to lead a ve*gan lifestyle.  I suggest they stop weighting their words with vittriol and try to appear balanced and reasonable.  These websites are dangerous, not only because they are badly researched and written, but because they pass themselves off as an 'authority'.  My parents thought I was mad at thirteen to become vegetarian and doubtless think I am now completely crazy having become vegan at thirty five.  They are meat eaters and have never thought deeply about the kind of lifestyle I follow because it is not for them.  If they found a bad website it would cause them an incredible amount of concern as they would literally expect me to cause myself some serious damage through my diet.

Please guide people towards reliable sources of information like the Vegan Society, where people can read the information for themselves and make their own minds up.

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