Monday, 6 August 2012

The Decision

It started this time with a Pappa John's pizza.  After eating it I coughed again.  Normally it is ice cream that gives me a phelgmy cough, but now I was getting it with other types of dairy as well.

I went to Google to see if this was common after eating milk products and it seems so.  I also saw that if you are intolerant to dairy this can also cause fatigue and as I live in a zombie-like state most of the time I wondered whether it might be an idea to try going dairy free for a trial period.  It might do nothing, but it couldn't hurt to try.

Then I found an American website all about the amount of pus in milk and other horror stories, I took them all with a pinch of salt but even so they are not pleasant reading.  After that I ended up at the Vegan Society's website and they are running a pledge scheme, whereby you commit to trying a Vegan lifestyle for a certain amount of time and they give you a mentor to help you through.

I signed up for the Gold Pledge (one month) because it is Olympic season and we all want to win gold after all.  As suggested by the VS I set a date (2nd August, although I then moved this to 3rd as I was out for dinner on the 2nd and as I already cannot eat garlic didn't fancy the extra challenge).  This gave me time to get paid and go to the supermarket.

So - one month - will I manage it?

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