Vegan food review #1.
As a chocoholic I don't want to give up my chocolate hit. I found these in Sainsbury's today when shopping for vegetables for my homemade curry. I thought they were worth a try as they are 100% vegan friendly.They look like chocolate but they do not smell, melt or taste like chocolate. The best thing I can compare them to is a thin, cheap cooking chocolate - but not as good. I will not be buying them again - not even for 43p a packet and 4 Weight Watchers Pro Points!
Vegan food review #2.
On day one of the vegan month I found these in Sainsbury's on special for 71p. Checking the ingredients I saw they were vegan friendly and thought they were worth a go. I worked them out at 5 WW PP which is not dreadful for a treat.
I have never been a fan of dark chocolate, white chocolate has always been my favourite. Dark has always seemed too bitter to me and I guess just not sweet enough.
I opened them to have one and found one tiny drop just the right amount of dark chocolate to have in one hit. The little bag kept me going all day as I'd leave them in the kitchen and make myself take a walk if I wanted one.
I highly recommend these and think the tiny drops are perfectly sized. The chocolate is 70% cocoa which is meant to be good for you as well apparently.
Additional note on chocolate
I don't believe everything I read, but I thought I would pass this on so you can make up your own minds. Some people report that chocolate containing milk contains something called casomorphin, an opiate that leads to addiction. I don't know the truth of this, but I do agree there is something addictive about chocolate. I don't know what causes it, but I shall be interested to see what (if anything) changes now I am eating chocolate that does not contain any milk products.
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